Mindful Stretching for Wellness and Relaxation

A stretching routine benefits both your physical and mental well-being.

By Rebekah Streeter

How to develop a stretching routine

With all of the time we spend sitting behind a computer and on telephones and tablets, our bodies are experiencing more repetitive stress injuries than ever before and we are moving less than ever. Add to that the stress of our everyday lives and we have a formula for illness. Something as simple as mindful stretching can help counteract these negative effects and doesn’t have to take much time out of our days.


The benefits of stretching

Taking a few moments each day to develop a stretching routine can have many benefits on both your physical and mental well-being. Some of the benefits of consistently moving joints through their full range of motion three to five days per week:

  • Decrease risk of injury: tense muscles are more prone to injury. If you stretch a muscle too far, it will become strained or torn. Stretching will increase the range in which a muscle can move, reducing the likelihood of injuries.

  • Improve overall flexibility: as we age, our joints lose range of motion. We can counteract this by stretching regularly.

  • Improve balance: this can decrease the risk of muscle strain and injury.

  • Improve posture: tight muscles can cause poor posture therefore decreasing back pain.

  • Ease pain from chronic conditions (osteoarthritis, back pain, etc.): Many times, when we are injured, the muscles around the injury site tighten up as a protective response. By stretching these tight muscles out, pain and soreness can be alleviated.

  • Reduce stress: Stress increases muscle tension, leading to pain. Taking some time for mindful stretching will not only reduce the stress but in turn reduce your pain.

Stretching can be especially important for people who travel a lot, as they are confined for hours on a cramped airplane or in a cramped car; for people who sit at a desk all day; or for anyone to help them relax before bed. In fact, this is one of the best times to stretch -- before bed -- after muscles have done a full day of work. 

Follow these simple steps to reap the benefits of stretching

1. Schedule a time of at least 10-15 minutes and find a comfortable, quiet place with minimal distractions to breathe and stretch.

2. Start with a mindful relaxation breathing technique, such as simple Yoga breathing. Sit or lay down and place your hands on your belly, below your navel. Focus on the gentle rise and fall of your hands as you breathe naturally through the nose (breathing through the nose reduces stress). Count silently forward as you breathe in (1, 2, 3, 4…) and backward as you breathe out (...4, 3, 2, 1), pausing slightly in between. Gradually make each exhalation twice as long as each inhalation.

3. Warm up before stretching. Take at least 5 minutes to bring your heart rate up to help reduce injury from stretching cold muscles. If you can, try a 5 minute speed walk or jog outside in the fresh air to revitalize and get some much-needed oxygen, sunlight and vitamin D (remember, we are like plants - we thrive on oxygen, sunlight and water!) If going outside isn’t an option, any cardiovascular activity can work: stationary bicycle, jogging on the spot, jump rope, etc. The goal is to get the heart rate up and warm your muscles.

4. Stretch. Be sure to involve all the major groups from head to toe: neck, shoulders, chest, trunk, lower back, hips, legs and ankles. Stretch only to a point where you feel mild tension and relax as you hold the stretch. Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds (minimum of 15 seconds if you are strapped for time.) Avoid bouncing in any stretch, as this contributes to higher risk of injury. Instead, focus on your breathing in each stretch. After you have held the stretch for a few seconds, you may want to go deeper by pushing a little more with your exhalation. Do not continue to stretch if you feel any sudden, sharp or intense pain. Relax your mind and body as much as possible. 

5. Hydrate. Once you have finished, drink a large glass of water and add a package of Hydrant and continue about your day or sink into a restful sleep!

Rebekah Streeter is the founder of Voda. As a mom and creative professional, Rebekah has learned first-hand the importance of self-care. Her goal is to show people that even the smallest acts of self-care can make a difference in your life and to take the guesswork out of how to care for yourself. Rebekah strives to provide a way for people to pamper themselves that they can do anywhere and anytime. And for people to know that, while they may have set backs, they should never feel guilty for taking time for themselves.

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