Moving with Intention

How changing your mindset can get you into the best shape of your life

The journey to strong and healthy in all aspects of life

By Lindsay Glass

In 2021 I can truthfully say that I’m in the best shape of my life.  

However, this statement may look different to me than it does you. I don’t mean in the traditional sense, how we often hear this phrase being used. I mean the best shape emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I feel balanced, I feel fit, and I feel strong and I didn’t get there in the conventional way. I didn’t get there by controlling what I ate, killing myself at the gym, or setting a goal weight. I did it by changing my mindset, changing my intentions, and trusting my body that it knew what was best for me.

The Practice founders Amy Tattrie (left) and Laura Kieley (right). “After taking my first class at their studio, I knew movement with them was going to be unlike any exercise class I had been a part of before.” —Lindsay Glass.

The Practice founders Amy Tattrie (left) and Laura Kieley (right). “After taking my first class at their studio, I knew movement with them was going to be unlike any exercise class I had been a part of before.” —Lindsay Glass.

Seeking a different journey

In the fall of 2019 I walked into The Practice Energy Movement Studio overlooking beautiful Lake Banook in Dartmouth, NS.  Greeted by two very warm individuals (Amy Tattrie and Laura Kieley) they instantly made me feel welcomed and grounded—which is wild because I didn’t even know what grounded felt like until I started practicing with them. I felt at ease and as if I was meant to be there. 

I was already living other aspects of life with intention, however the physical aspect of my life seemed to have missed the memo. My body hurt from years of working out in a bad way, bad form from being overzealous and choosing movement that wasn’t right for my body. I wanted to start moving my body in a purposeful way. I wanted to show up to be strong and healthy, not just to maintain a certain weight. I wanted a different journey.

After taking my first class at their studio, I knew movement with them was going to be unlike any exercise class I had been a part of before. Not only did we move our bodies differently, Laura and Amy talked about our bodies in terms of loving our bodies, honouring our bodies, listening and being present with our whole being. 

My first class was their signature class, not coincidentally called “The Practice”.  And you practice ALL the things. You practice showing up, breathing, and not just regular breathing- deep, full belly breaths and pushing it all to the surface to release it. You practice getting out of your mind, out of your thoughts, out of expectations, and out of your to do list. 

And then you practice feeling, while you reintroduce yourself to moving with intention. Moving this way has given me the opportunity to get a true sense of how I feel and push past my mental limitations. It’s in every sense a full cathartic, soulful, mind and body workout. Throughout the classes I’m challenged with a combination of calisthenics and plyometric movement sprinkled with fast paced, joyful dance sessions—yes, dance sessions! Which surprise, surprise makes me so happy!

“The greatest lesson I learned from Amy and Laura was recognizing discomfort and my reaction to it.”—Lindsay Glass.

“The greatest lesson I learned from Amy and Laura was recognizing discomfort and my reaction to it.”—Lindsay Glass.

Discovering Comfort in Discomfort

The greatest lesson I learned from Amy and Laura was recognizing discomfort and my reaction to it. In class we move our bodies into places of discomfort (not pain) so we can become accustomed to and recognize our reaction to discomfort. By doing so we become more aware and comfortable with that feeling. You work through the feelings and emotions that come up and know that whatever comes to the surface is perfectly okay. Then you move and shift it. I often reflect on this concept during life’s challenging situations. I have choices. How do I want to feel? Can I shift the perceptive?  Regardless of the circumstance, is it challenging or can I find the joy? 

Finding Resiliency 

Sometimes we do burpees, and sometimes we do burpees for six minutes (yes, I said it, six whole minutes). But when you do that burpee with intention, it somehow feels different. You feel yourself fill up and clear it all out. It forces me to focus and notice what comes up and take note of my reaction. With these repetitive movements it allows our bodies to communicate through feelings, sensations, and energy.  When I’m able to tap into this communication with my body, I’m building resiliency. Like the ebbs and flows of life, I know I can tackle the hard things and bounce back quickly.

Finding Softness

During a challenging pose or a repetitive series of squats it can feel heavy and what started out as one small movement now feels tough, and you feel the resistance. When you begin to move with intention you take each movement one breath at time. Sometimes one breath is deeper than the last and that’s okay. You start to soften the parts of the body that don’t need that extra energy – maybe the jaw, your forehead and your shoulders. The same can be said when the going gets tough in life. That one small thing that seemed manageable at first is getting harder. When I find myself in those situations I take them one breath at a time, one day at a time. I start to soften the areas that don’t need the extra energy by lowering the expectations and being gentle and easier on myself. 

The same can be said when the going gets tough in life. That one small thing that seemed manageable at first is getting harder. When I find myself in those situations I take them one breath at a time, one day at a time.

Being Still

Stillness can be amazing and just as important as movement. After the movement, it’s in the stillness that we recognize our heart beating, our breath, our feet grounded. It’s in the stillness and the rest that allows us to reflect that we have what it takes to move through challenges and adversity. The stillness gives us the strength to move forward. These things already exist in us, but if we are too busy moving and never resting, we don’t pay attention to the information our body is shouting at us. I now have the strength to surrender and be still.  

I encourage you to check out and experience The Practice Energy Movement Studio’s class schedule. Take the tools you learn and bring them to your routine and daily lives. They’re there for the taking.

Lindsay Glass is a mom to two and wife of one and lover of all things food. When this born and raised Nova Scotian is not getting creative in the kitchen or dreaming of home décor she is a driven professional with extensive experience in the food regulatory and safety space, both in the public and private sectors. She is a passionate relationship builder and loves learning people's stories. She is especially inspired by her strong female relationships, which without them she would be lost. Lindsay and her husband recently built a new home in Middle Sackville and are loving the country life!

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