Hike Hemlock Ravine Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Everything you need to know to visit Hemlock Ravine Park, an oasis tucked along the edge of Halifax

All about exploring Hemlock Ravine Park

Hemlock Ravine Park
Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • 10 minutes from the Armdale Roundabout

  • Scenery: 3.5/5

  • Terrain difficulty: 1/5

  • Our overall experience: 3.5/5

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Hemlock Ravine Park is a great spot for a walk or a hike on a busy day if you are central to Halifax. It’s a place you can pop into on a break between errands or while en route from one commitment to the next on a busy weekend. We’ve done so more than once.

Spend as little or as much time as you want here. With a system of interconnecting pathways, you can walk one loop in less than 20 minutes or spend two hours exploring and playing around. The main path from the parking lot is very central, so you’ll find yourself back on it frequently as you make your way around. If you need to take off, it’s quick to get back to your car.

Hemlock Ravine Park is a great place for kids to stop, play, and use their imagination in the forest along the way, climbing over mossy rocks and downed tree trunks. #explorenovascotia #getoutside #hikenovascotia #familyhiking

Hemlock Ravine Park is a great place for kids to stop, play, and use their imagination in the forest along the way, climbing over mossy rocks and downed tree trunks. #explorenovascotia #getoutside #hikenovascotia #familyhiking

You don’t need to be too well prepared, either. Stroll around in your Sunday best, plan to pick up your pace for a brisk hike or be ready for a jog. It’s a great location for families of all ages. The crushed gravel paths make up a simple and smooth terrain, suitable for strollers and wheelchair accessibility, although it’s important to note there are lots of hills. Another bonus is this park is on a transit route (check out the schedule for Route 91 Hemlock Ravine).

These trails are also great for enjoying a coffee you’ve grabbed on the way. We brought our trusty bag of trail mix to tide the kids over, even though our hiking adventure was nestled neatly between lunch and dinner. I also threw some Starburst candies in my bag as a treat, knowing the kids were cantankerous after a late night the night before. I left some apples in the car for the drive home. No one could complain about being hungry, and by some miracle, no one did.

Continue reading my column Hike Nova Scotia: What you need to know to visit Hemlock Ravine Park

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Hemlock Ravine Park is a great spot for a walk or a hike on a busy day if you are central to Halifax. Pop in and stay as little or look as you like. #familyhiking #hikenovascotia #getoutside #trailhiike

Hemlock Ravine Park is a great spot for a walk or a hike on a busy day if you are central to Halifax. Pop in and stay as little or look as you like. #familyhiking #hikenovascotia #getoutside #trailhiike

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